We all agree on the fact that using your axe continuously will result in its blade getting blunt and will also make it difficult to use. So, the question is, can you sharpen an axe with a rock?
Yes, you can sharpen an axe with a rock provided that you follow the right sharpening technique. First, use a coarse rock to remove any burrs from the blade. Next, use a medium-grit rock to hone the edge of the axe. Finally, use a fine-grit rock to give the edge a final polish.
Sharpening your axe or just about any other tool is an art that you need to master before you go out into the bush. It is a skill that you will be thankful for when you need to use your tools in a survival situation.
So, take the time to learn how to sharpen an axe with a rock and be prepared for anything.

What is the myth of sharpening an axe with a rock?
Before we go deep into the topic of sharpening an axe with a rock or a stone, I wanted to tell you about some common myths that are associated with this topic.
One of the most common myths is that you need to use a special kind of rock to sharpen your axe. This is not true at all. You can use any type of rock that you have available to you. Another myth is that you need to use a lot of pressure when sharpening your axe with a rock. This is also not true. You only need to use enough pressure to remove the burrs from the blade.
Finally, some people believe that sharpening an axe with a rock is a difficult task. Again, this is not true. Sharpening an axe with a rock is actually quite easy once you know how to do it. Now that we have debunked some of the myths about sharpening an axe with a rock, let’s take a look at the actual process.
Can You Sharpen an Axe With a Rock?
I’ve already answered this question but let’s get into details and see if you can really sharpen your axe with a rock or not. Also, I will explain how does it why, and what is the physics behind sharpening the blade of your axe with a rock.
As you probably know, the blade of your axe is made out of steel. Steel is a very hard material, but it’s also quite brittle. But the best thing is that it can regain its edge with the right sharpening tools and technique.
Use a Suitable Rock
The first thing you need to do is to find a suitable rock. The best type of rock to use is something consisting of quartz like novaculite. These rocks are very hard and will not chip easily. Once you’ve found a good rock, the next thing you need to do is to prepare your workstation.
Find a level spot on the ground and clear away any debris that might get in the way. Then, place the rock on the ground and position your axe so that the blade is touching the rock at a 20-degree angle.
Use the Right Technique
Now, it’s time to start sharpening your axe. Apply moderate pressure to the blade and move it back and forth across the rock in a sawing motion. Keep sharpening the blade until you’ve removed all the burrs from the edge.
Once you’re done, it’s important to remember to clean your axe. Wipe down the blade with a clean cloth and then apply a thin layer of oil to protect the metal from rust.
And that’s it! You’ve now learned how to sharpen an axe with a rock.
Can I Use Any Type of Rock For Sharpening My Axe?
Ok, now that you’ve learned about the process of sharpening an axe with a rock, you’re probably wondering if you can use any type of rock. The answer is yes and no.
As I’ve already mentioned, the best type of rock to use is something that’s very hard, like quartz. However, you can also use other types of rocks, such as granite or limestone. Just keep in mind that these rocks are not as hard as quartz and, as a result, they might chip more easily.
So, if you’re going to use another type of rock, make sure to use a light touch and be extra careful not to damage the blade. Also, some rocks are more effective than others when it comes to sharpening tools. Therefore, you may need to work more or less depending on the rock’s surface.
How long should it take to sharpen axe?
You may also be interested in learning about the time that you are going to spend on sharpening your axe. Well, it totally depends on how sharp you want your axe to be.
If you want a really sharp edge, then you’re going to have to spend some time on it. However, if you’re just looking to touch up the blade and remove any burrs, then it won’t take very long at all.
In general, though, you can expect to spend anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour sharpening your axe, depending on how much work it needs. For most people, 15 minutes is more than enough to make their axe sharp enough to split logs, cut down trees, and do almost any other tasks.
However, it also depends upon the material the axe is made of. There are some materials like stainless steel which are harder to sharpen as compared to carbon steel. Therefore, the time it takes to sharpen your axe may vary depending on what it is made of.
Do I Need to Make the Rock Wet Before Sharpening my Axe? Why?
Yes, it is a common and recommended practice to make the sharpening rock wet with water before starting to sharpen your axe. The main reason for this is to keep the metal from overheating.
When you sharpen any type of metal tool, the friction causes the metal to heat up. If the metal gets too hot, it can become damaged and lose its temper. Tempering is a process that gives the steel its hardness, so you definitely don’t want to damage your axe by overheating it.
So, how do you prevent the metal from overheating? By keeping it wet! The water will help to dissipate the heat and keep the metal from getting too hot.
Another reason to keep the rock wet is to prevent the formation of dangerous dust particles. When you sharpen a tool, small particles of metal are created. If these particles get in your lungs, they can cause serious health problems.
It also prevents the stone from clogging with the metal filings. If the stone gets clogged, it will be less effective at sharpening the blade. So, to sum it up, there are three main reasons to keep the sharpening rock wet: to prevent overheating, to avoid creating dangerous dust particles, and to keep the stone from clogging.
Should an axe be razor sharp?
Another common question that confuses a lot of beginners is whether their axe needs to be razor sharp or not. The answer to this question depends on how you’re going to be using your axe.
If you’re going to be using your axe for chopping wood, then you don’t need to worry about getting the edge too sharp. In fact, a too-sharp edge can actually be dangerous as it’s more likely to chip or break.
However, if you’re going to be using your axe for tasks that require a finer edge, such as carving or skinning, then you’ll need to get the edge nice and sharp.
The best way to determine how sharp your axe needs to be is to experiment and see what works best for you. Start with a duller edge and then gradually sharpen it more until you find the perfect balance between sharpness and durability.
Tips For Sharpening Your Axe with a Rock or Stone
Now that you know the basics of sharpening an axe with a rock, here are a few tips to help you get the best results:
- Start with a coarse grit stone and then move to a finer grit until you get the desired edge.
- Always keep the stone wet to prevent overheating and clogging.
- Use even strokes and apply moderate pressure to avoid damaging the edge.
- Wipe off the metal filings after each stroke to prevent clogging.
- Sharpen both sides of the blade evenly to maintain balance.
- Be extra careful when sharpening a double-sided blade.
With these tips in mind, you should be able to get your axe nice and sharp in no time! Just remember to take your time and be careful, and you’ll be fine.
Final Words
Can You Sharpen an Axe With a Rock? The answer is yes, you can but it depends on what kind of rock you are using in the process. Apart from that, the material axe will have an impact as well. Axes that are made of stainless steel will be harder to sharpen as compared to those made of carbon steel.
Moreover, you will need to be careful and make sure you are using the right technique otherwise you may chip or damage the blade. Always keep the stone wet to prevent overheating and use moderate pressure while stroking.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you have anything in your mind, please feel free to share it with me in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family too!
Thank you for reading!
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Hey I’m Josh! I have been practicing Bushcraft for a little over 6 years now! I Started this website to review awesome bushcraft gear that I love as well as share information I have learned along the way!