Does Osage Orange Make Good Axe Handles?

Osage orange is one of the top-quality wood that is often used for making tools’ handles. However, the question is, does Osage orange make good axe handles?

Osage orange is one of the hardest woods out there according to the Janka hardness scale (11,640 N), which is twice as hard as oak. This means it makes excellent axe handles due to its durable nature and strength.

It also has a very high tensile strength meaning that it can be bent without breaking. This is why this type of wood is commonly used in the manufacture of baseball bats and golf clubs.

There are various interesting facts when it comes to learning whether or not Osage Orange makes good axe handles. In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know about this topic.

Does Osage Orange Make Good Axe Handles?

Osage Orange Can Be A Good Alternative To Ash Or Hickory

The first thing that you should know about Osage orange is that it can be an alternative to ash or hickory if you want to buy an axe handle made from these types of woods.

Ash and hickory are two of the most popular types of wood used for manufacturing axes. These woods have been around for ages, and they are still being used today.

However, they both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, ash is more affordable than hickory, but it doesn’t last long. On the other hand, hickory lasts longer than ash, but it costs much more.

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If you don’t like spending too much money on your tool, then you should consider using Osage orange instead of ash or hickories. It is because Osage orange is cheaper than them and it lasts longer.

How Hard Is Osage Orange Wood?

You might be wondering if the Osage orange can make a good axe handle, how hard it is? 

According to the Janka Hardness Scale, the hardness of Osage orange is 11,640 N while the hardness of ash and hickory is only 7,000 N. This means that it is harder than ash and hickory.

Therefore, it is safe to say that Osage orange is one of those rare woods that can withstand extreme conditions. If you use it to make an axe handle, you won’t have any problems with it.

Is Osage Orange Harder Than Other Woods?

Another important fact you should know about Osages orange is that it is harder than other woods, such as maple, cherry, and even mahogany. The reason behind this is that it is made up of different layers of cells.

These cells are arranged in a specific order, which gives it their unique characteristics. Therefore, it is no surprise that it is stronger than other woods.

For instance, the cell walls of Osage orange are thicker than others. Also, the density of the wood is higher than other woods. This increases the stability of the material.

In addition, the grain structure of Osage orange is also different compared to other woods. This is why it is so strong.

What Is the Best Axe Handle Material?

When it comes to choosing the best axe handle material, you should choose something easy to work with and sturdy. You should avoid using softwoods, such as pine and spruce.

Instead, you should go for hardwoods, such as ash and hickory since they are easier to work with. They are also durable and stable.

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Also, you should avoid using softwoods since they tend to split easily. This is why you shouldn’t use them to make an axe handle.

Why Should You Use an Axe Handle Made From Osage Orange?

Now that we have learned all there is to know about Osage orange, let us discuss why you should use it to make an ax handle.

First off, it is very cheap when compared to other woods. In fact, it is less expensive than ash and hickories. This makes it perfect for people who don’t want to spend too much money on their tools. Secondly, it has high durability. As mentioned earlier, it is stronger than ash and hickories.

It is also resistant to heat and moisture. This is why it will not rot easily. It is also extremely versatile. It can be used to make various types of tools, such as axes, hatchets, and machetes.

Are Fiberglass Axe Handles Better than Wood?

Nowadays, there’s a trend of using plastic and fiberglass materials to make axe handles. They are comparably lighter than wooden ones. However, some people think that these materials are inferior to wood.

The truth is that both materials are suitable to make an axe handle, but each has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of both types of materials

Fiber Glass Axes Handle Advantages

  • Lightweight – Fiberglass handles are lighter than wooden ones. This makes them easier to carry around.
  • Durable – Fiberglass handles are more durable than wooden ones. They are also stain-resistant.
  • Easy to maintain – Fiberglass handles are easier to clean than wooden ones.
  • Versatile – Fiberglass handles can be used to make many different tools. For example, they can be used to make machetes, hatchets, or axes.
  • Cheap – Fiberglass handles are cheaper than wooden ones.
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Wooden Axes Handle Disadvantages

  • Heavy – Wooden handles are heavier than fiberglass ones. This means that they are harder to carry around.
  • More Expensive – Wooden handles are more expensive than fiberglass ones.
  • Can Rot – Wooden handles are prone to rotting if exposed to water.
  • Hard to Clean – Wooden handles are difficult to clean. If you do not properly dry them after cleaning, they may get moldy.
  • Difficult to Maintain – Wooden handles require special care. They need to be oiled regularly. Otherwise, they may become brittle.
  • Limited Availability – Wooden handles are available only in limited quantities. Therefore, they are more expensive than fiberglass ones.
  • May Break Easily – Wooden handles are not as sturdy as fiberglass ones. They may break easily.

Final Words

Does Osage orange make good axe handles? Well, technically yes, because Osage orange is almost twice harder as oak and other types of wood according to the Janka Hardness Test.

If you want to make sure that your axe handles last longer, then you must choose the right kind of wood. There are several kinds of wood that are better suited to making axe handles. For instance, hickory and ash are two of the best choices.

I hope after reading this article, it will be clear to you by now what kind of wood you should use to make your next axe handle.

If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to ask me in the comment section below.

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Hey I’m Josh! I have been practicing Bushcraft for a little over 6 years now! I Started this website to review awesome bushcraft gear that I love as well as share information I have learned along the way!

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