What Type Of Axe Is Best For Cutting Down Trees

Choosing the right axe for cutting down trees can be a daunting task. There are so many different types and shapes of axes available on the market that it can be hard to know the best option for your needs.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of axes and their respective strengths and weaknesses when cutting down trees. We will also provide a list of some of the best axes for cutting down trees on the market today.

So if you are interested in learning about what type of axe is best for cutting down trees, then keep on reading!

What Type Of Axe Is Best For Cutting Down Trees

What type of axe is best for cutting down trees?

When cutting down trees, it is important to choose the right axe for the job. There are different types of axes available on the market, each with its own specific uses. Some axes are designed for hacking and cleaving through wood, while others are better suited for splitting logs.

It is important to select an axe that is comfortable to hold and easy to use. In addition, it is important to consider the size of the tree you are cutting down and the type of wood that it is made from.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the main types of axes available on the market and what are their strengths and weaknesses. Axe choice is important when cutting down trees.

Types of Axes

As mentioned, there are different types of axes available and each one comes with its own strengths and weaknesses Choosing the right axe to use when cutting down trees can be difficult. The size, weight, and blade type all play a role in how well the axe will work. Here are four types of axes that are commonly used:

1. Splitting Axe

The Splitting axe is the most commonly used axe in the world. This is a versatile axe that can be used for chopping, cutting, and even splitting wood. Its length ranges from 14 to 36 inches and is used for chopping wood, clearing vegetation, and splitting wood.

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The splitting axe has a broad axe head that is used to cut through the wood. The splitting axe usually features a heavy head that allows it to easily split the log pieces. However, it is not the best choice for cutting down trees.

This is because it has a heavy head that tires the user quickly as compared to other types of axes out there. Apart from that, the blade of the axe isn’t that sharp to go deep into the wood with every blow because it mainly relies on the momentum generated by the handle and the weight of its head.

2. Felling Axe

The felling axe is the most powerful tool that is used for cutting down trees. It features a head that usually weighs around 2 to 4 pounds. Apart from that, the handle of a felling axe is usually longer in size, which helps in the generation of extra momentum that makes the job easier.

traditionally hickory wood was used for the hickory handle, but nowadays, it is often found that the handles of these axes are made from fiberglass.

3. Hatchet

A hatchet is something completely different from the ordinary axe. Although this tool is also used for cutting down trees it is a lot safer than an axe. It comes with a heavier head that makes it possible to chop much harder objects like branches etc.

It is mostly used for bushcraft outdoors and survival situations where it helps clear bushes, cut down tree branches, make shelter, and even serves as a good weapon for self-defense. However, it should be kept in mind that a hatchet is much smaller than an axe.

This means it won’t be as effective as the other two types of axes when it comes to cutting down large trees. Having that said, it can still help you as you’re learning how to use it.

Things to Look For When Picking an Axe for Cutting Down Trees

There are several things that you need to consider when it comes to choosing the right type of axe for the job. Keeping these factors in mind will also help narrow down your search space if you are going to buy your first axe.

Here are some of the main things you should keep in mind when it comes to choosing the right tool for cutting down trees.

Type of Wood You Will Be Cutting:

The most important factor to consider when choosing an axe is the type of wood you will be cutting. If the tree is tough or fibrous, a heavier axe will be required to cut through it. Conversely, if the tree is softwood, a lighter axe will do the job just as well.

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There are trees that are so tough that even the best-felling axes will need a series of consecutive powerful blows to cut them down. Therefore, if you are about to cut some big trees, make sure that the axe has the appropriate weight to handle length ratio and comes with a sharp blade.

The Weight of the Axe

If you are using a heavy axe, you should be sure that you have strong and steady hands. A common mistake made is to choose an axe that is too heavy for your strength. In addition, if you choose a lightweight axe, you will be tired very quickly. 

The Weight of the Axe Should Be Properly Balanced. Otherwise… If you are a beginner in this field, then it is better to choose something that is not too heavy.

The Length of the Handle

The handle length is another factor that you shouldn’t overlook. It is the length of the handle that determines the range of motion and swing. If the handle is too long, then you will have problems with the balance. On the other hand, if your handle is too short, then your axe will not be able to reach far enough and will not give a proper swing.

Blade Size

The blade size is another important factor to keep in mind. The bigger the blade, the more power it gives. This is why larger blades are usually recommended for chopping down trees. However, they are not always practical to carry around because of their size.

Therefore, if you want to go for a small axe, then you must ensure that it is light enough to carry around.

Handle Material

Another thing that you need to think about is the material from which the handle is made. Some handles are made out of metal while others are made out of plastic. Metal handles are usually stronger, but they tend to rust over time. On the other hand, plastic handles are cheaper, but they are prone to breakage.

You may find yourself having to replace the handle on your axe every now and then. Therefore, if you plan to use the same axe for a long period of time, it would be wise to invest in a durable handle. 

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What kind of axes do lumberjacks use?

If you have seen woodcutters and lumberjacks, you might be wondering what type of axes are they using for their jobs?

For your information, Lumberhacks use felling axes because most of their job involves cutting down large trees. Therefore, felling axes are the best fit for their needs. In addition, they are usually double-bladed, which makes them easier to use.

Felling Axes come in different sizes depending on the size of the tree being cut down. They can be categorized into three major groups. These include:

1) Short-handled Felling Axes

2) Long-handled Felling Axe

3) Double-bladed Felling Axes

The short-handed Felling Axe is the most commonly used by lumberjacks. The reason why is because they are easy to hold and maneuver while working. However, they are not recommended for beginners who are new to the trade.

The long-handled Felling Axe is the second most popular choice among lumberjacks. They are more comfortable than short-handed ones, but they require a lot of practice before they become proficient at using them.

Double-Bladed Felling Axes are also quite popular among lumberjacks. This is mainly because they provide a wider range of movement.


In conclusion, there are many things to consider when buying an axe. You must first decide whether you want a light or heavy one. Then, you should determine how much weight you need to carry around. Next, you should look at the blade shape and size. Finally, you should think about the types of blades available.

I hope this answers your question i.e. what type of axe is best for cutting down trees? I am sure you will get some good ideas after reading this article. As a general rule of thumb, you should always consider your needs and requirements first before making a choice. 

Sometimes, just because an axe is sharp and durable doesn’t mean you should actually buy it no matter how heavy it is. This is simply because you will have to think from different angles before making a final decision. 

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Hey I’m Josh! I have been practicing Bushcraft for a little over 6 years now! I Started this website to review awesome bushcraft gear that I love as well as share information I have learned along the way!

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