Each season of the History channel’s Alone TV series is a little different.
Different locations, different sets of rules and different gear rules. This article will serve as a master guide, letting you know all the gear contestants on the Alone show bring for each season.
Each contestant is allowed to take default gear such as; clothes, safety gear, camera equipment, limited survival gear, protective gear and some personal hygiene items.
Following the default gear, contestants are allowed to choose 10 special items unique to them from a master list of 40+ items.
Let’s get started.
Items alone contestants can take (item list)
Here is a full breakdown of alone contestants gear lists for each season.
If you are looking for the 10 special items a contestant chose to bring with them on a particular season, I highly recommend using the table of contents above to take you directly to that season.
Alone gear list
This is a complete break down of all the approved and prohibited items for contestants of Alone.
Each season, the list remains the same. However, how many of an individual item a contestant can bring varies from season to season.
In season 1 contestants were allowed to bring 3 pairs of wool socks, but in season 8 of alone they were allowed to bring 6 pairs.
Another example is in the list of 40+ items contestants can choose 10 of.
The food choices stay the same, however how much alone contestants can bring fluctuates from season to season.
In season 1 contestants could choose 5 pounds of each type of food, but in season 8 contestants were only allowed 2 pounds.
Default gear list
This is the default list of gear that all contestants are allowed to bring with them on to the show.
Each contestant is given a tarp along with a life jacket, medical kit, camera batteries ect. to stop the rain from damaging the camera equipment.
Clothing & personal effects
- Hunting boots
- Outdoor Pants
- T-shirt
- Fleece or wool shirts
- Wool socks
- Hat
- Bandana
- Gloves
- Outdoor jacket
- Underwear
- Rain jacket and rain trousers
- Thermal underwear
- Gaiters
- Crocs or sandals
- Toothbrush
- Prescription eyeglasses
- Personal photo
- Woolen sweater
- Winter gloves
- Trapper’s hat with ear protection or toboggan
Safety & tracking
- Animal repellant canister
- Air horn
- Backpack
- First aid kit
- Small mirror
- Camera pack
- Camera gear
- Emergency flare
- Satellite phone
- GPS tracking device
- Emergency rations pack
- Emergency personal flotation device
- Canvas tarp (20 × 20)
- Canvas tarp for camera gear (10 × 10)
- Head lamp
Master list of 40+ special items
Alone contestants choose 10 items they want to bring with them on to the show from this master list of 40+ special items.
- Pocket Knife
- Hunting knife
- Multi-tool (leatherman)
- Sharpening stone
- Duct tape or Electrical tape
- Small shovel
- Small sewing kit
- Carabineer
- LED flashlight
- Ice spikes
- Axe
- Saw
- Hatchet
- Beef jerky (2-5lbs)
- Dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (2-5lbs)
- Biltong (2-5lbs)
- Hardtack biscuits (2-5lbs)
- Chocolate (2-5lbs)
- Pemmican (2-5lbs)
- Trail mix (2-5lbs)
- Flour (2-5lbs)
- Salt (1 Pound)
- 2/3 lb rice, sugar or salt
- Pot (no bigger than 64 ounces)
- Steel frying pan
- Flint & steel or ferro rod
- Canteen or water bottle
- Bear canister
- Bowl
- Spoon
- Lighter
Shelter & Bedding
- Bivvy bag
- Hammock
- Sleeping Pad
- Sleeping bag that fits in the back-pack provided
- 20 meters of 550 paracord
- 12×12 tarp with or without grommets
- 10 meters of 8 mm climbing rope
- Nylon single filament fishing line (300 yards) & 25 hooks
- Primitive wood bow (6 arrows)
- Trapping wire (3.5 pound roll)
- Small gauge gill net
- Net foraging bag
- Slingshot
- Soap bar
- Comb
- Towel
- Toothpaste (8 ounces)
- Dental floss (40 meters)
- Shower soap (small bottle)
- Razor with one blade
Prohibited gear list
Everything on this list is strictly prohibited, if anyone is caught with any of these items they will be disqualified.
- Chap stick
- Sunglasses
- Professional bows or crossbows
- Scopes
- Tents or any type of shelters
- Lanterns
- Beauty products
- Maps
- Compasses
- Anything with batteries or an engine; mobile phones, computers, watches, etc.
- Professional snares
- Guns
- Ammunition
- Gunpowder or explosives
- Animal poison
- Fuel or matches
- Bug spray or repellant
- Sunscreen
- Fishing rods
- Fishing lure or bait
- Traps for fishing
- Cooking appliances
- Hydration packs
- Fire pit
- Drinks or food that are not on the accepted list
- Animal decoys
- Animal calls
- Tree stands
- Inflatable boats
- Filtration, purification devices, iodine tablets
- unauthorized food storage containers
10 Items Chosen by Alone Contestants (season 1 to 8)
You can click on any of the contestants names to bring you to their full biography page.
Alone season 1
Season 1 of alone was filmed in Quatsino, British Columbia, Canada. It featured 10 trained survival experts.
If you’re into bushcraft and outdoors on youtube, you may recognize the name of now famous youtuber Joe Robinet.
Here is a list of the 10 special items that each of the 10 contestants took on season 1 of alone.
- 12×12 ground sheet
- 550 paracord
- Saw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Bivvy bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Bow and 6 arrows
- 550 paracord
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Water bottle/canteen
- Fishing line + hooks
- Small gauge gill net
- Slingshot
- Knife
- Saw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Water bottle/canteen
- Fishing line + hooks
- Small gauge gill net
- Trap wire
- Knife
- 12×12 ground sheet tarp
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Bow and 6 arrows
- Slingshot
- Emergency rations
- Knife
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Bivvy bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Small gauge gill net
- Bow and 6 arrows
- Knife
- Sharpening stone
- 12×12 ground sheet tarp
- 550 paracord
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Bow and 6 arrows
- Emergency rations
- Knife
- 12x 12 tarp
- 550 paracord
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Small gauge gill net
- Extra emergency rations
- Large knife
- 12×12 ground sheet tarp
- Saw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Large 2-quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Extra Tarp
- Emergency rations
- Knife
- 12×12 ground sheet
- 550 paracord
- Saw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- large 2 quart pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- knife
- Leatherman multi-tool
- Saw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro rod
- Large 2 quart pot
- Water bottle canteen
- Fishing line + hooks
- Bow and 6 arrows
- Knife
- Sharpening stone
Alone season 2
The same as season 1, season 2 of alone took place in Quatsino, British Columbia, Canada.
Here is a list of the 10 special items that each of the 10 contestants took on season 2 of alone.
- Hunting knife
- Ferro rod
- 2 quart pot
- Fishing line + hooks
- Collapsible saw
- Axe
- -40° rated sleeping bag
- Gill net
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
- Full Tang knife
- Ferro rod
- 2 quart pot with lid
- Fishing line + hooks
- Folding saw
- Axe
- -10° rated sleeping bag
- Bivvy bag
- Gill net
- Emergency rations
- Multi-tool
- Ferro rod
- 5 quart pan
- climbing rope (10 m)
- 1-piece handsaw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Nylon netted hammock
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
- Bushcraft knife
- Ferro rod
- 2-quart pot with lid
- Fishing line + hooks
- Collapsible saw
- Axe
- -20° rated sleeping bag
- Gill net
- 550 Paracord
- Emergency rations
- Full Tang hunting knife
- Ferro rod
- 2 quart pot with lid
- Fishing line + hooks
- Curved blade saw
- Axe
- 0° rated sleeping bag
- Gill net
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
- Stainless steel knife
- Ferro rod
- 2 quart pot
- Fishing line + hooks
- Saw
- Axe
- 0° rated sleeping bag
- Bivvy bag
- Gill net
- Emergency rations
- Bushcraft knife
- Ferro rod
- 2 quart cast iron pot
- Fishing line + hooks
- Bow saw
- Axe
- 0° Rated sleeping bag
- Gill net
- 12 foot x 12 foot tarp
- Emergency rations
- Bushcraft knife
- Ferro rod
- 2 quart cast iron pot
- Fishing line + Hooks
- Handsaw
- Axe
- canvas sleeping bag
- Gill net
- Multi-tool
- Emergency rations
- Knife
- Ferro rod
- 2 quart pot
- Fishing line + hooks
- Saw
- Axe
- -20° rated sleeping bag
- Gill net
- Bow and 6 arrows
- Trap Wire
- Knife
- Ferro rod
- 16-inch stainless steel pan
- Fishing line + hooks
- Folding saw
- Axe
- -30° rated sleeping bag
- Gill net
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
Alone season 3
Season 3 was the first season of alone to be shot outside of Canada, it was filmed in Patagonia, Argentina.
Here is a list of the 10 special items that each of the 10 contestants took on season 3 of alone.
- Knife
- Multi-tool
- 550 Paracord
- Fishing line + hooks
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Sleeping bag
- Primitive bow
- Folding saw
- Trap wire
- 550 Paracord
- Saw
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Canteen
- Fishing line + hooks
- Primitive bow
- Knife
- Emergency rations
- Spetznas shovel
- Sleeping bag
- Axe
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Slingshot
- Fishing line + hooks
- 550 Paracord
- Saw
- Multi-tool
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Fishing line + hooks
- Sharpening stone
- Ferro Rod
- Saw
- 550 Paracord
- Axe
- Knife
- Emergency rations
- Knife
- Ferro rod
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Fishing line + hooks
- 550 Paracord
- Heavy duty tarp
- Saw
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
- Sleeping bag
- Bivvy bag
- Axe
- Knife
- Pot
- Gill net
- Fishing line + hooks
- 550 Paracord
- Ferro Rod
- Emergency rations
- Knife
- 550 Paracord
- Pot
- Fishing Line + hooks
- Primitive bow
- Axe
- Saw
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro Rod
- Emergency rations
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Primitive bow
- Gill net
- Trap wire
- Knife
- Emergency ration
- Sleeping bag
- Axe
- Saw
- Knife
- Ferro Rod
- 550 Paracord
- Pot
- Fishing Line + hooks
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
- Axe
- Knife
- Saw
- Sleeping bag
- Hammock
- 550 Paracord
- Pot
- Ferro Rod
- Fishing Line + hooks
- Emergency rations
Alone season 4
Season 4 saw contestants return to Quatsino, British Columbia, Canada.
It featured 7 teams of 2, which was the only time this was ever done on the show.
Here is a list of the 10 special items that each of the 10 contestants took on season 4 of alone.
- Saw
- Multi-tool
- Primitive bow
- Fishing line + hooks
- Gill net
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Pot
- Emergency rations
- Saw
- Trap wire
- Gill net
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Fishing line + hooks
- Pot
- Saw
- Primitive bow
- Multi-tool
- Canteen
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Fishing line + hooks
- Gill net
- Trap wire
- Emergency rations
- Paracord
- Saw
- Axe
- Pot
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Saw
- Bivvy bag
- Canteen
- Axe
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Fishing line + hooks
- Pot
- Saw
- Bivvy bag
- Emergency rations
- Saw
- Pot
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Bar of soap
- Axe
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Fishing line + hooks
- Pan
- Emergency rations
- Emergency rations
- Bivvy bag
- Axe
- Pot
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Bivvy bag
- Gill net
- Fishing line + hooks
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Saw
- Emergency rations
- Primitive bow
- Paracord
- Gill net
- Axe
- Fishing line + hooks
- Multi-tool
- Pot
- Tarp – 12′ x 12′
- Saw
- Emergency rations
Alone season 5
Season 5 of alone was filmed in Northern Mongolia, more specifically near Khonin Nuga which is located not to far away from Züünkharaa, Selenge.
Season 5 of alone was the season of redemption where 10 contestants from previous season were invited back to see if they could do better than they did their first time on the show.
Here’s a look at the 10 special items east conestant chose to bring with them on season 5 of alone.
- Knife
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Paracord
- Saw
- Fishing line + hooks
- Trapping wire
- Food ration
- Food ration
- Axe
- Saw
- Knife
- Trapping wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro rod
- Frying pan
- Food Ration
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Gill net
- Trapping wire
- Knife
- Food ration
- Sleeping bag
- Knife
- Ferro rod
- Food ration
- Canteen
- Pot
- Bow and arrows
- Fishing line and hooks
- Saw
- Axe
- Saw
- Axe
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Multitool
- Food Ration
- Food ration
- Sleeping bag
- Paracord
- rapping wire
- Knife
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Cooking pot
- Bow and arrows
- Trapping wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Ferro rod and striker
- Saw
- Food ration
- Knife
- Saw
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro rod
- Multitool
- Pot
- Fishing line and hooks
- Gill net
- Trapping wire
- Food ration
- Paracord
- Saw
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Canteen
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Knife
- Food ration
- Knife
- Multitool
- Paracord
- Fishing line and hooks
- Pot
- Ferro Rod
- Sleeping Bag
- Bow and arrows
- Folding saw
- Trapping wire
- Axe
- Saw
- Sleeping bag
- Fishing line and hooks
- Ferro rod
- Multitool
- Pot
- Bow and arrows
- Food ration
- Trapping wire
Alone season 6
Season 6 alone saw contestants return back to Canada, this time at Great Slave Lake which is located in the southern Northwest Territories.
Here’s a look at the 10 special items east conestant chose to bring with them on season 6 of alone.
- Bow and arrows
- Sleeping bag
- Axe
- Knife
- Fishing line + hooks
- Saw
- Ferro rod
- Pot
- Shovel
- Paracord
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Knife
- Fishing line + hooks
- Pocket knife
- Gill Net
- Axe
- Emergency ration
- Paracord
- Bow and arrows
- Sleeping bag
- Bow and arrows
- Paracord
- Saw
- Pot
- Emergency ration
- Knife
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Axe
- Paracord
- Saw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Frying pan
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Trapping wire
- Multitool
- Ferro rod
- Saw
- Multitool
- Axe
- Pot
- Sleeping bag
- Trapping wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Emergency ration
- Emergency ration
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro rod
- Knife
- Saw
- Pot
- Paracord
- Trapping wire
- Tarp
- Bow and arrows
- Fishing line + hooks
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Knife
- Bow and arrows
- Saw
- Multitool
- Fishing line + hooks
- Paracord
- Emergency ration
- Multitool
- Saw
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line + hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Trapping wire
- Knife
- Knife
- Pot
- Axe
- Sleeping bag
- Saw
- Paracord
- Bow and arrows
- Fishing line + hooks
- Ferro rod
- Trapping wire
- Axe
- Multitool
- Folding saw
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Fishing line + hooks
- Trapping wire
- Emergency ration
- Ferro rod
- Paracord
Alone season 7
Season 7 of alone was filmed at Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territory, Canada.
It featured the series biggest prize yet, $1,000,000 to the winner. All contestants had to do was make it over 100 days, meaning there could be multiple winners.
Here’s a look at the 10 special items east conestant chose to bring with them on season 7 of alone.
- Pot
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro rod
- Paracord
- Multitool
- Saw
- Axe
- Snare wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Snare wire
- Multitool
- Paracord
- Saw
- Axe
- Ferro rod
- Sleeping bag
- Saw
- Axe
- Multi tool
- Paracord
- Fishing line and hooks
- Cooking pot
- Scotch eyed auger
- Bow and arrows
- Snare wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Gill net
- Axe
- Pot
- Sleeping bag
- Paracord
- Ferro rod
- Bow and arrows
- Multitool
- Axe
- Saw
- Knifes
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Sleeping bag
- Snare wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Paracord
- Paracord
- Pot
- Fishing line and hooks
- Snare wire
- Water bottle
- Sleeping bag
- Saw
- Axe
- Knife
- Ferro rod
- Knife
- Axe
- Bow and arrows
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Multitool
- Fishing line and hooks
- Sleeping bag
- Paracord
- Trapping wire
- Bow
- Gill net
- Fishing line and hooks
- 4. Multitool
- Axe
- Emergency ration
- Ferro rod
- Pot
- Paracord
- Sleeping bag
- Saw
- Bow and arrows
- Fishing line and hooks
- Snare wire
- Axe
- Multitool
- Ferro rod
- Pot
- Sleeping bag
- Gill net
- Ferro rod
- Gill net
- Pot
- Trapping wire
- Axe
- Saw
- Multitool
- Belt knife
- Bow and arrows
- Sleeping bag
Alone season 8
Season 8 of alone “Grizzly mountain” took place in Chilko Lake, British Columbia.
This seaosn went back to the shows original format awarding the contestant who stays the longest with $500,000.
Here’s a look at the 10 special items east conestant chose to bring with them on season 8 of alone.
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Axe
- Saw
- Tarp
- Bow and arrows
- Snare wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Multitool
- Paracord
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro rod
- Pot
- Axe
- Saw
- Multitool
- Snare wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Food ration
- Bow and arrows
- Fishing line and hooks
- Knife
- Saw
- Sleeping bag
- Paracord
- Pot
- Water bottle
- Food ration
- Snare wire
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro Rod
- Multitool
- Saw
- Axe
- Snare wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and Arrows
- Paracord
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Bow and arrows
- Multitool
- Saw
- Axe
- Fishing line and hooks
- Paracord
- Food ration
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Axe
- Saw
- Multitool
- Bow and arrows
- Paracord
- Fishing line and hooks
- Snare wire
- Ferro rods
- Bow and arrows
- Sleeping bag
- Multitool
- Fishing line and hooks
- Pot
- Snare wire
- Paracord
- Saw
- Axe
- Ferro rod
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Knife
- Saw
- Food ration
- Ferro rod
- Snare wire
- Fishing line and hooks
- Bow and arrows
- Paracord
- Sleeping bag
- Pot
- Ferro rod
- Paracord
- Snare wire
- Bow and Arrows
- Fishing line and hooks
- Axe
- Saw
- Multitool
- Pot
- Sleeping bag
- Ferro rod
- Multitool
- Axe
- Saw
- Fishing line and hooks
- Trapping wire
- Paracord
- Bow and arrows
I will continue to update this as new seasons of Alone happen.
10 items brought by alone winners season 1-8
Without spoling who won each season, I went ahead and put together a chart showing all of the gear alone winners chose to bring as part of their 10 chosen items and how many times those items were chosen.
Item | # of winners who brought it | Notes |
Saw | 8/8 | |
Axe | 8/8 | |
Pot | 7/8 | |
Ferro rod | 7/8 | |
Sleeping bag | 7/8 | Was a provided item in season 4 |
Multi-tool | 6/8 | |
Trap wire | 6/8 | |
Fishing line + hooks | 6/8 | |
Paracord | 4/8 | |
Gill net | 4/8 | |
Bow and arrows | 4/8 | |
Food rations | 3/8 | One winner brought 2 rations |
Knife | 3/8 | |
Water bottle | 1/8 | |
Frying pan | 1/8 | |
Shovel | 1/8 | |
Slingshot | 1/8 | |
Tarp | 1/8 | |
Bivy bag | 1/8 |
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Hey I’m Josh! I have been practicing Bushcraft for a little over 6 years now! I Started this website to review awesome bushcraft gear that I love as well as share information I have learned along the way!
Great content! Keep up the good work!